
广东货代报价 海运货代报价 国际货代价格表

« 运输代理服务过境国际港口代理EMS、DHL代理进出口报关综合物流拥有自己的船队、仓库 »


1) 国际航运业务:国际航运供应链一站式服务(覆盖190多个国家和地区,3465个港口,代理多家航运公司),如:国际航运、散货、拼箱、全集装箱、大小货车、拖车、商检、报关,熏蒸、仓储、仓储、货物保险凭证、票据、报关单、清关及送货上门。
2) 国际航空运输:
广州六润海运货代公司主要从事香港国际航空运输和珠江三角洲国际航空运输业务,主要在广州、东莞、佛山、中山、珠海、顺德国际航空运输业务。我公司主要从事香港赤喇角机场EK-AIR、BI AIR、TK AIR、ET航空运输等业务。航空运输网络覆盖欧洲、中东、东南亚、非洲、中美洲和南美洲。此外,深圳广州机场还起飞南航、中国国际航空、中国航空、广州安永航空、广州SV航空等多种选择。我公司为国际航空运输提供一站式服务,包括代理报关、仓储、订舱一站式服务。我公司代理空仓担保、时效转运和快递业务。欢迎与各国际航空运输客户团体合作。(到250多个国家和地区,8495个机场和城市,代理管理多家航空公司)。
3) 国际快递业务:
担当DHL UPS TNT EMS联邦国际快递专线,主要服务于广州深圳香港贸易公司,B2C电子商务企业及个人贸易出口,提供安全、快捷、空运出口的快递物流服务商。我们的国际快递拥有丰富的运营经验,合理地为客户提供经济、安全、全面的国际物流解决方案。(国际快递网络覆盖全球250多个国家和地区)。
装运港:黄浦港、广州/ Shekou港、Yantian、深圳/上海港/香港等港口。

Founded in 2018, it is a company mainly engaged in international express service. The company mainly transports European and American goods, has a huge service network, and has regular customs clearance documents. The company has been committed to building China's largest and most professional dedicated enterprises. In order to be able to make customers recognized and satisfied with the express service, the company is also constantly working hard. Yiwu Mingfei freight forwarding Co., Ltd. has been recognized by many companies and institutions for its high coverage and efficient service. Yiwu Mingfei freight forwarding Co., Ltd. will provide you with safe, economic and professional services in the most professional spirit. Welcome to our company for consultation.
Committed to building China's largest and most professional international express delivery, international shipping, FBA warehousing, international express delivery, special line transportation enterprises in the United States, with a huge service network, Shenzhen AirMedia International Freight Forwarding Co., Ltd. has a high coverage and high service efficiency, which has been recognized by many companies and institutions. Shenzhen airmail International Freight Forwarding Co., Ltd. will provide you with safe, economic and professional services in the most professional spirit.
Established in 2008, Guangzhou International Logistics Co., Ltd. is a first-class international freight forwarding company approved by the Ministry of commerce with a registered capital of 5 million yuan. With a group of high-quality, experienced logistics professionals, and established an excellent management team and customer service team, specializing in international freight business services. Its main business includes:
1) International shipping business: one stop service of the international shipping supply chain (covering more than 190 countries and regions, 3465 ports, acting for multiple shipping companies), such as: international shipping, bulk cargo, LCL, full set packing, large and small trucks, trailers, commodity inspection, customs declaration, fumigation, storage, storage, cargo insurance certificates, bills, customs declaration forms, customs clearance and door-to-door delivery.
2) International air transport:
Guangzhou haoyunduo International Freight Forwarding Co., Ltd. is mainly engaged in Hong Kong International Air Transport and Pearl River Delta International air transport business, mainly in Guangzhou, Dongguan, Foshan, Zhongshan, Zhuhai, Shunde International air transport business. Our company is mainly engaged in ek-air, Bi air, TK air, et air transportation and other businesses of Hong Kong chela Point Airport. The air transport network covers Europe, the Middle East, Southeast Asia, Africa, Central America and South America. In addition, Shenzhen Guangzhou airport also takes off from China Southern Airlines, China International Airlines, China Airlines, Guangzhou Ernst & Young airlines, Guangzhou SV airlines and other options. Our company provides one-stop service for international air transportation, including agency declaration, storage and booking. Our company acts as an agent for short position guarantee, time limited transshipment and express delivery business. Welcome to cooperate with international air transport customer groups. (to more than 250 countries and regions, 8495 airports and cities, agent management of multiple Airlines).
3) International express business:
Acting as DHL UPS TNT EMS FEDEX special line, mainly serving Guangzhou Shenzhen Hong Kong trading company, B2C e-commerce enterprises and individual trade export, providing safe, fast and air freight export express logistics service provider. Our international express has rich operation experience, and reasonably provides customers with economic, safe and comprehensive international logistics solutions. (international express network covers more than 250 countries and regions around the world).
Loading port: Huangpu port, Guangzhou / Shekou port, Yantian port, Shenzhen / Shanghai port / Hong Kong port, etc.
Airport: Guangzhou / Shenzhen / Shanghai / Hong Kong and other international airports.
Receiving warehouse: Guangzhou / Shenzhen / Yiwu / Dongguan / Hong Kong / Shanghai and other warehouses, docks or airports (bulk cargo, LCL, air transport and express delivery).
On site transfer: Guangzhou / Shenzhen / Dongguan / Foshan / Shunde / Nanhai / Zhongshan / Jiangmen / Zhuhai / Zhaoqing / Huizhou, etc
Pearl River Delta province.
Service commitment: "reputation first, service first" as the service tenet, "for your commission, we will spare no effort" as the service concept, and wholeheartedly provide first-class service for customers, so as to make them satisfied. In line with the tenet of "safe and effective, perfect service", we are willing to work with you to create a brilliant tomorrow!
分类: 货代公司







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